October 8, 2013

Freely You have Received, Freely Give

Well - it's here.  It's finally here.  Today I have the blessing of launching CooCube.com.  It seems surreal after all this time of preparation, doubt, hard work and now excitement.  I am celebrating today - CooCube.com is ready to stitch your story together!

I was greeted by a lovely text this morning from a dear friend - "This is the day that the Lord has made!"  The truth of this really sunk in today. The Lord has made this day - perfectly planned for me.  Today it happens to be a day of rejoicing. This day 5 years ago happened to be a day of sorrow.  I have the honor of launching CooCube.com on my dear son Aidan's birthday.  We lost Aidan at 38 weeks - on this very day 5 years ago - Aidan was still born.  The experience of  walking through death in all it's brokenness has pointed us to true life.  So, though I don't know what tomorrow brings, I am comforted by the truth that the Lord has made all my days and is working out his perfect plan for me. 

In my quiet reflection time today I was thanking God for all he has done for us and reading a passage in Matthew.  In this passage, Jesus is getting ready to send His disciples out into the world for the first time on their own.  He has spent time with them and He has trained them, and now He is sending them to reach others.  He tells them to go tell the message that the Kingdom of Heaven is near.  He gives them the power they will need to heal the sick and raise the dead...Just before they leave, Jesus gives the disciples a principle that they should use to guide their actions as they go tell His message to others.  He tells them, “Freely you have received, freely give.”
I feel blessed when I reflect on how much I have received during this time of preparation for CooCube.com- opportunity, wisdom, grace, mercy, encouragement and love. I have been given so much and I am so ready to freely give. 

One way CooCube makes giving possible for me is that we will be donating a percentage of our proceeds to worthy organizations working to care for and positively impact children. In fact, this passage was brought to my attention through a talk this summer by Paul and Kristin Hoffman.  Paul and Kristin are the founders of The Judah Quy Home for Precious Little Ones, an orphanage in Bolivia dedicated to infant orphans needing intensive medical intervention. At this time CooCube will be donating a percentage of our proceeds to The Judah Quy Home.  Paul and Kristin Hoffman freely give their life away every day to love little ones in the Lord's name. We are excited to support their efforts and we were able to give our first donation to them during their visit (from CooCube pre-sales through our Indiegogo Campaign).  What joy.

Join me in celebrating today!! Hip Hip Hurray!!



  1. We are grateful for your encouragement and support, Jill, and we LOVE LOVE LOVE your CooCubes!

  2. Thank you Kristin - you guys are an inspiration to me! I am so excited to see what God will continue to do through your walk of Faith and Love. I am looking forward to visiting in January!
